Monday, January 22, 2007

fruz with incompetent people

colleagues. yeah some of them you wonder where they have been in their entire lives. they can't do a proper report, not even a list of observation and a proposal etc. and worse is, your senior/supervisor the person you are supposedly kinda report to before your boss, is a 'worker'. and you know your skillsets definitely surpass him. both the professional skills and people skills you know you surpassed him. but he is there above you trying to control everything. life's sad isn't it.

I dont' know if it is more sad for him or for me. but the bad placement of resources is one of the common problems in the workplaces... you wonder how blind your bosses are, just take a look at the subordinates and you know.

my supervisor is constantly afraid I overtake him, so he keeps all the jobs to himself even the information so as to prevent me from helping him. as many a time, I can solve his work problems within an hour. sometimes you really wonder, why the management are so blind...

fruz with CHOICES

there are endless choices to make daily. choices you make in your work, that may involve someone's life, that may involve lots of money, or maybe choices that you make in work that may only affect a department in your office, or maybe only 1 or 2 of your colleagues.

you also need to make choices in your personal life too. sometimes involving the life of a close relative, or family. sometimes, it may cost your own life, or it may just jeopadize you marriage. or maybe you want to get married to a man you do not really love. or maybe you want to divorce to be with another person you love. or many other decisions. or you want to put your kid in an operation supposedly for the better ... but there are can never giver you answers, and never want to commit in anything that they think...

but the thing is all the frustrations you get, is from making a decision. sometimes these decisions are painful to make. they involve all your emotions or your money or may even affect everyone in your family, or your parents, or your children...etc... the list of choices you make is endless.. and you do not know if they are the RIGHT decisions, you just have to do it, and bear the consequences, as there is no one to tell you exactly if that is right. frens and family tell you what they think is right, but that's just what they think. they do not know how you feel exactly or what you want at all.

you want to make a good decision... for a better work appraisal, for a better family, for better job prospect, for better health for the children..etc etc... all the pains you do...

yet, you cannot even choose how you die... you may suffer in cancer, you may suffer from the effects of treatment, you may suffer emotionally, with ur love ones bearing the bulk of the costs in treatment, and there is nothing you can do....ultimately the choice is with God.. so you wonder, why bother doing all these at all...

fruz with life

we all know life is unfair....we all tell ourselves all the time, remind ourselves not to compare. why? coz we all KNOW that it is always UNFAIR. God put us on an endless trial, endless struggle, sometime you wonder what all this is for....

fruz with unfair promotions

it is ok if you yourself do not get promoted. it is ok if all doesn't get it. but very often you see someone who doesn't deserve it, gets it instead. very often i think the bosses are blind. ask anyone on the ground anytime, most of the time they can tell you who are the ones working, who are the ones deserving the promotion, yet, the bosses seem to see who cleans their shoes better... sometimes you can't help but bosses seem to promote the ones who are not working but they are the ones who help shine the bosses shoes...

fruz with procedures

yeah...there are endless forms to fill, procedures to follow. but there is definitely a lack of information out there that lists the procedures for people to inform themselves to plan to work out the procedures and form filling process, and appointments with the neccesary people.

usually such procedures and stuffs can be only completed during working hours.

one such example is the medical social services. on one hand such a service is said to be for the needy, or people who needs financial assistance. yet there are not much info on such to allow people to walk through it easily. there is a lack of a 'roadmap' thingy to allow people to understand how to work towards such assistance. in addition, such things usually involve a long queue, and many days of waiting, with a minimum waiting of 2 days. and even in the enquiries counter, there is a queue that requires waiting of a minimum of 1 hour. and even if you are first in the queue the process is bloody long that takes even about 30min before you are 'passed' around to start your enquires. And the best part? the Ultimate part is that when you are at the counter to ask them questions, they tell you that they are not able to giver you answers as they need the social worker to speak with you personally, who can then give you your answers!

you can't say they do not have such info, as they do have a counter on such. but seriously, it would be much easier if all these are documented on the web, on a pamphlet given to the patient's family upon admission etc. thus you can't help but wonder, if the lack of information and awareness and the lack of resources placed in this area is done intentionally.

fruz with docs

docs cannot pinpoint most of the problems a patient has. most of the time, they just send the patients to a series of tests and hopefully one of the tests results in some abnormalities, and voila! thats the problem. but, i have seen many people around me, who has yet gotten their disease diagnosed. sometimes you wonder whats the point of paying for tests and tests, and a doc giving you a list of "we can't see any problem with this test. so he/she is normal in this aspect. we can go for another test..."

there is a patient who was admitted since november 29th till today, january 22nd. the patient is still lying in the hospital undergoing the list of tests, that is slowly scheduled. as the tests are popular means for docs to determine the problem, there is a long queue for such tests. what more, the docs work on normal working days, the tests can only be done on weekdays. there u see how one can stay in the hospital for so long, and the docs still cannot find out the problem!

mind you, we are not living in some third world country. this is singapore! and yet...

fruz oNe

friend got pregnant with 2nd child. life's miserable. they ain't got much money. they do not even have a house of their own. currently 3 of them squeeze into a bedroom. come the 4th one, they will need to squeeze four of them in that tiny room. unfortunately, the 2nd pregnancy got complicated. she is now confined to bedrest for the whole of 3rd trimester. looks like her job's gonna suffer now. and she is worrried for her baby too. went to sew up the cervix in the hospital. life's with endless list of challenges...