Monday, January 22, 2007

fruz with incompetent people

colleagues. yeah some of them you wonder where they have been in their entire lives. they can't do a proper report, not even a list of observation and a proposal etc. and worse is, your senior/supervisor the person you are supposedly kinda report to before your boss, is a 'worker'. and you know your skillsets definitely surpass him. both the professional skills and people skills you know you surpassed him. but he is there above you trying to control everything. life's sad isn't it.

I dont' know if it is more sad for him or for me. but the bad placement of resources is one of the common problems in the workplaces... you wonder how blind your bosses are, just take a look at the subordinates and you know.

my supervisor is constantly afraid I overtake him, so he keeps all the jobs to himself even the information so as to prevent me from helping him. as many a time, I can solve his work problems within an hour. sometimes you really wonder, why the management are so blind...

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